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Flares and Fibromyalgia

Posted on February 12, 2018

Flares are a dreaded part of living with fibromyalgia. Identifying and avoiding flare triggers becomes an important part of managing fibro.

On MyFibroTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with fibromyalgia, members often talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Fibro flares are one of the top 10 topics most discussed.

Here are a few question-and-answer threads about flares:

How long on average does a flare-up of symptoms usually last?

How do you manage your household chores without throwing yourself into a fibro flare?

Painful flare up centered on my foot, is this common for others as well?

Here are conversations that have taken place about flares:

When you know a flare is coming, here is what a member does to prepare.

Sometimes best-laid plans go awry and it just takes time to adjust to the flare.

Has anyone else been able to feel inflammation of their internal organs during a bad flare up?

Have another topic you'd like to discuss or explore? Go to MyFibroTeam today and start the conversation. You'll be surprised just how many others may share similar stories.

Posted on February 12, 2018

A MyFibroTeam Member

I am in a flare up at this present time .and I can't get any relief as .each day it Seems to be getting worse at top of my shoulder and across my shoulder and neck.

posted February 6
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