What Are Some Coping Methods That You Use For Those Days You Need A Little More Help? 🤎
I made a post previously about yoga for pain, some physiotherapy and at home tools to use for pain management, and meals/quick snacks for those high pain days…
Today I wanted to make a post dedicated to those days we may need a little more motivation and a little help
It’s totally normal to feel a bit down and overwhelmed with the current situation you’re experiencing…it’s a lot to absorb
Alongside pain (which is very much a full time job) we may also be juggling family, children, bills,… read more
These are some really constructive ways to help when you’re feeling down. Great ideas. Good job. I think I will have to try it. Thank you !!
Cold Sores
You Must Have Pain In More Than One Point, At The Same Time, In Fibromyalgia?