Has Anyone Ever Had Low Hemoglobin? This Week I Went Through Some Extra Testing To Find The Cause.
Well, I every type of bean, including lentils, that there is, and almost every day. Lots of beans. In addition, I always add in other veggies at every meal but now I'm focusing on those high in iron like spinach and sweet potatoes. But we eat a very diverse diet because every week before shopping I plan out our menu, comparing to previous weeks as to not repeat the same meals over and over. I've never had problems with iron before, so I'm suspicious that it's a medication. They have started me on a few new medications the last couple of months so I'm wondering if it's not something like that. I've had a lot of surgeries the last year too, and after my surgeries my protein count dropped drastically, along with some of my blood counts for red blood cells. I'm wondering if that's not playing a part also. And another thing, lack of vitamin D3 can cause your body to not absorb the iron that you eat, but I take D3 due to a D3 deficiency. But I'm not out in the sun right now because of it being winter. I'm not really going to worry about the low iron until I spend the summer in the sun gardening, eating fresh vegetables out of my garden, and if my iron is still low, then I'll ask some questions.
Recently I tested very high for iron. Not high enough for further testing. While watching Doc Martin I noticed him talking to someone about being anemic. He asked if she was eating dried fruit. Bingo! Since testing a sensitivity to oranges I've been eating lots of dried fruit.
Doc Martin can be interesting to watch and also, so entertaining! Thanks for the idea.
I hope your move goes well and you find a great doctor you feel you can trust.
Awe no garlic or onions. That bites.
B12 And Or Foliate Deficiency
Fibro Flare