Does Anyone Ever Feel That Having Fibro Puts A Huge Strain On A Marriage?
My marriage ended 6 months ago due to my illness it destroys the person we are and changes us and it’s a lot for people to cope with so I gave my wife the opportunity to walk away and she did , we’re still friends and chat most days but it was for the best that we separated x
Yes most definitely. The partner of a person with S has so much more put on them to maintain family income and standard of living, plus pick up more household tasks.
Definitely, I'm lucky to have my husband though as he looks after me and does mostly everything for me , I still worry though I'm not the perfect wife now I look at myself in mirror and think I'm fat how can I make myself look better. But then I realise my hubby loves me for me not my looks he always calls me beautiful and doesn't judge me being fat . I'm very lucky to have him
Thanks all ❤️
It's more the fact I'm such a different person and wife since diagnosed
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