Does Anyone Else Get Tongue Tied And Get Words Mixed Up?
This has been a very busy week at work - my body isn’t so happy. My feet hurt even when I first get up in the morning. My left elbow hurts - it’s usually the first body part to experience pain.
What concerns me today though is that I’m struggling to speak properly. I’m getting words and letters mixed up like saying “baper pag” instead of “paper bag”. Does anyone else have this problem? It’s a bit scary.
Fibro Fog often gives me a laugh, coz I do some pretty daft things. I must admit though that sometimes I get more than a little agitated with outsiders telling me it’s my age. Likely some of it is however I know the ‘fog’ when it strikes. No I don’t allow myself to show my agitation coz there’s no point with those that don’t get it is there now. One of the particularly daft times was when I set off to the hardware shop for a plastic tarp to put underneath the wooden outdoor furniture so I could oil it without messing up the deck. Couldn’t for the life of me remember the words plastic there I was at the counter trying to explain by actions and some words what it was. She got the idea thankfully but we had some laughs i can tell you. So yes when you find the sugar bowl and a pair of bras in the draw of the china cabinet and you’ve been wondering for days where they are, you just know it’s fibro fog. Yes it can be embarrassing and my husband says to people, oh they’ve let her out for the day, the cheeky sod, i have to see the funny side. It is what it is, all part of our fibro lives, I often think that if that was all there was to fibro we would be lucky. Happy days my lovely fibro friends and love and hugs to you all
I get this all of the time, thankfully those close to me understand that when I take a break in a sentence it's because I'm trying to find the right word.
I also start to lose my voice if I talk a lot, which is difficult as I'm a very talkative person and also I'm a Community Support Worker and talking is part of my job 😃
Hoping everyone has a low pain day and sending gentle hugs 🫂
It's just so weird... in the middle of a conversation I just all of a sudden can't say a word...I know what it is... can tell the person a description of the word and even what letter it starts with... but the actual word is inside a "locked cage".
I can pretty much agree with all the comments here. I occasionally get forgetfulness, can't remember a word, drop things, get dizzy, and loose my train of thought. It comes and goes. I have been on the KETO diet since Aug. 23 of this year. I have lost 20 lbs. and feel so much better. I can say that it makes a big difference in how I feel. It is a bit confusing at first but after you figure out what you can and cannot eat, then it is easy. I believe what you put in your body makes a big difference in the severity of fibro.
Yup. Since I was in my 30's. My kid's seriously thought I had dementia. I was scared for awhile to but then found out about fibro fog and brain fog from depression. For me the worse part is when I'm trying to make a point I'm being dismissed as not knowing what I'm talking about because I trip over my own tongue so much and I'm so forgetful. Sometimes I'm convinced I know but am corrected and have to concede because I can't remember the details. That takes a lot of humility to admit that I just can't remember.
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