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Top 10 search results for "Elavil" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Does Anyone Else Have A Pain Pump For Fibro (Lupus) ?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyFibroTeam Member

Seriously. 3 years ago?


A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

How long does it take Gabapentin to start working?

A MyFibroTeam Member

Mine took about a week, I've been taking 600 mg three times a day for over three years now, considering when I first started to where I am now yes it helps tremendously, but I'm still into much… read more

Help! SICK!!! Husband And Daughter Got Me Sick Feeling Like I Got Trampled On By 100 Bulls!

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

Help me!!!! I have my first major sickness .... since fibro.
I feel like I've been trampled on. My nose is stuffed, the side of my throat hurts my body aches.... fibro thing is a lot more
What can I do cymbalta is what I'm on

A MyFibroTeam Member

Used heating pads, rest! Plenty of fluids

Is It My Mindset?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

I know that each of our journeys is different; not just for the fact that some have other ailments, but that fibromyalgia presents, seemingly, significantly different. I still, however, find myself asking how can they still do that. Some of my lovely fibro friends including my bestie who also suffers with lupus, continue to work full-time schedules. I know my bestie has bad days and we never compare who has more, but I do know that somehow she pushes through while I have gone to less than… read more

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A MyFibroTeam Member

I get my Norco from my GP also. I try to be very careful with how much I take so I don't end up addicted.

Does Anybody Use CBD Oil

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've heard CBD oil works for fibromyalgia and I bought it today... has anybody else tried it and is there a specific brand you would recommend I live in Nebraska so Medical marijuana isn't available

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A MyFibroTeam Member

I use Charlotte's Web Chocolate Mint. You can order it online.


A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

My Fibro doctor prescribe Elavil to help me sleep, It caused me nightmares so bad that I still remember a couple of them to this day. Prior to taking Elavil, I was NOT having nightmares.

A large number of people I talked to with Fibromyalgia said Elavil gave them nightmares also. Nightmares mean that you're definitely not getting a good night's sleep.

Q: Why do so many Doctors continue to prescribe Elavil for people with Fibro, when we have such a harmful reaction to this medication?

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A MyFibroTeam Member

I tried that I lay awake waiting for results it never comes


A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

is A urorix the same as Elavil?

A MyFibroTeam Member

Never heard of that…I don’t think it is the same.

Pain Management

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

What tablets are people on for their pain?

A MyFibroTeam Member

Still researching a couple alternitives. Will post when I find something. But like you said we all have our own cocktail

Do You Want To Come To A Party

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi. On November 5th we are having a luncheon at the Hotel Pier 5 in Baltimore Md from 11:30-2:30. It is a totally family friendly event. Full sit down lunch $22/adult $7/child. We also have a block of rooms for $189/night. It's just a relaxed fun time, where we can meet new people and be around people who "get it"
If you have any questions my email is [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email:… read more

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A MyFibroTeam Member

I live so far away to go to this event. If I had the money to take a plane and pay accommodations I'd go just to meet others like myself with Fibromyalgia. Have fun.

Is Anyone Taking Quetiapine For Sleep? What's Your Experience?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've put on weight since I started taking half a dose at night. It has been effective mostly but I'm concerned about the weight gain.

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A MyFibroTeam Member

Zopiclone was great for me no weight gain