Sleeping On Pillows
Does anyone else have problems sleeping on pillows? I have to use very flat pillows..because at the base of my skull ..I can not have any pressure on it...,I have lots of friends with Fibro who have the same problem.,.if you have it as well.,.what do you think it is? If I lay on my back ,on a pillow.,.and my head is on the pillow, for a extended period.,.it hurts a lot.,.have to lay on my side..and not have any pressure there.
Yes, the trick is to keep your head and spine aligned straight. I put a flat pillow under my upper back/shoulders and another pillow above that under my head. This keeps my spine aligned and less neck pain in the morning.
I have this problem. If I lay flat On my back I have pain in the lower part of my neck, the big vertebrae that is right across in line with your shoulders starts to hurt. I get shooting sensations up my neck into my head and sometimes get tingling or some other weird sensation I can’t describe in my left leg and arm. I have to sleep on a very flat pillow on my sides
Yes this is so me....I also have pain behind my ears....I was told it was fibro pressure points or occupital neuralgia headaches
Here's a link
I sleep with loads of pillows propt up x
i use to sleep without any pillows x
Yes it's horrible, sometimes like laying on bricks.
Having trouble figuring out what matress is going to help make me somewhat
Comfortable if that is possible.
Any Tips Or Advice To Sleep Without Utter Neck Pain. I’ve Got Acid Reflux And Going To C Gastrointestinal Doctor On Thursday.
Mattress Topper And Pillow Suggestions?
Has Anyone Tried My Pillow?